Payment Of School Fee
- School Fee payment options are monthly/quarterly /half yearly /yearly (you may opt any option).
- Parents are advised to pay the fee by cash, cheque or swipe machine /demand draft in favour of Sacred Soul Cambridge School.
- Parents and Guardians are advised to take the fees slip and also get the fees entered in the fees card duly signed by the fee clerk and keep it safe. As these can be instrumental proof of payment of fee if need arises.
- Last day for payment of school fee is 15th of every month. After 15th a late fee fine Rs. 10/- per day will be charged. If fee is not paid for a particular month a late fee fine of Rs. 200/- will be charged along with the fees of next month before last date of that month.
- In case fee is not paid consecutively for second month the name of the ward will be struck off from the roll.
- Re-admission will be at the discretion of the Principal.
- Transfer certificate or withdrawals are not are not issued until and unless all dues of school are settled.
- Fee for the month of the July & August will be taken together in July and fee for the month of the February & March will be taken together in the February.