
Biodiversity Day

Students of Sacred Soul Cambridge School, Road(H.P.) India, on May 22, are Celebrating International Day of Biological Diversity, aimed at promoting & raising awareness for #biodiversity issues & recognizing the variety of life on Earth, in all its forms

There is an indissoluble connection between nature and human life. We are dependent on healthy, diverse natural systems for our food and health to a staggering extent. Therefore, 22 May has been observed as International Day of Biodiversity to raise awareness about several biodiversity issues.

What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity is generated from two words "biological" and "diversity". It refers to all the variety of life that can be found on Earth like plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms. Also, it refers to the communities that they forma and the habitats in which they live. International Day for Biodiversity 2019: Theme

The theme of International Day of Biological Diversity is “Our Biodiversity, Our Food, Our Health”. It focuses on to spread knowledge and awareness about the dependency of food system, nutrition, health on biodiversity and on healthy ecosystems.

Things that will be beneficial that you can do for the conservation of Biodiversity:

  • Reduce the consumption of meat
  • Eat and purchase seasonal food
  • Buy local foods
  • Reduce wastage of food
  • Compost food scraps
  • Reduce the packaging of food by using reusable bags or reusing glass jars or containers.
  • Avoid using plastics like plastic straw, coffee cups, glasses, water bottles, etc.
  • It is necessary to promote local and indigenous biodiversity for food and nutrition. STUDENTS OF SSCS Road (H.P.)

Connect with us

Vill. Road (Aghar-Gangath Link Road), P.O. Panjahra, Tehsil Nurpur, Distt Kangra, Pin – 176051

  • dummy +91 9418674773 / +91 9816639077 / 9816638077

  • dummy sacredsoulcambridgeschool@gmail.com


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